Friday, November 16, 2007

First Blog Message!

Hello, I'm Jadessa Reina of Second Life. I got invited by Gidge to try and blog about Second Life and the Vicious Group. I first met Cajsa at a PJ party and then I went to the Halloween party. Last Monday there was a danc eparty that I attended and I met Silo, Miffy, and Gidge. They've all been helping me out alot. Gidge invited me o this bloger as I stated Last night Silo was helping me adjusting some elf ears that I bought from Fairy's Grove. A location that Gidge provided for me to go to. She's right about them having alot of cool stuff...I love Fairy's Grove Elf outfits. Across the was is Stone Keep..a place for me to get the combat Spell Fire system for the Avilion RPG Sim. Anyways, Silo and I worked hard and long on adjust those elf ears. We had it just right when I did soemthing that caused the left ear to split into two pieces. I gave up and deleted them and bought a new pai since they were on 40L. I then made sure I made coipies just in case it happends again. I was too tired to deal with the ears after buying the new pair and I logged off a went to sleep. I'll deal with the ears later today when I log back in.

I never told you how I cam to Second Life. Well, I used to play a game called Entropia Univers and I meat a player names Erasmus. He then invited me to Second Life, I came to SL on October 20th, 2007. So, that makes me a little over 3 weeks old. Being 3 weeks old I know alot about SL...except about creating things. I just had an idea on a skirt and I wish I knew how to make clothes. I htink I need to make a quick rough sketch on paper before I forget the design and teach myself how to make clothing. I never been a designer before and there's a first time for I best be going before this turns out to be a novel of my Second Life.

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