Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Before Thanksgiving

Hello, it's been a while since I last blogged. Been so busy in Second Life...LOL. I'm finally employed in Second Life...yay! I'm Gidge's Persona Assistant...I'm a "Go- Getter" person. I do things in Second Life that she can't do because she is such a busy person. I'm so delighted that I can help her in Second Life. I'm also doing some modeling for Maht and learning what it takes to be in the modeling industry in Second Life. I also role play in a sim called Avilion. I'm an Elf trying to learn Druidry. I just got accepted into the Order of Avilion...Yay!. My Druidry classes are on Mondays. Sundays there is a concert I have to attend. I've also attended two skating dance parties that were held at Vicious Fairy Studios and DJ Robyn was there spinning her tunes. Well, best be going for now. 'Til next time...Happy Thanksgiving!.

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